Monday, November 4, 2013

(Sharing) Beyond Sunday: Content in All Things

I just read an email from "Beyond Sunday," which expands on Philippians 4:12-13

Please read below, I think you'll enjoy it!

Classic Commentary
It is evident that he had been in need; but it was the occasion of more entire trust in God. We can easily gather this from his language; but, he delicately adds, he would not, by saying that [the church at Philippi's] care of him had now at last flourished again, imply that they had forgotten him. The care for him was in their hearts; but they had not had the opportunity of giving expression to their love.

Neither did he speak in regard of want; he had learnt-for it is practical experience and its blessed result we find here-to be content under all circumstances, and thus to depend on no one. He knew how to be abased: he knew how to abound; in every way he was instructed both to be full and to be hungry, to be in abundance and to suffer want. He could do all things through Him who strengthened him. Sweet and precious experience! not only because it gives ability to meet all circumstances, which is of great price, but because the Lord is known, the constant, faithful, mighty friend of the heart.

It is not 'I can do all things,' but "I can do all through him who strengthens me." It is a strength which continually flows from a relationship with Christ, a connection with Him maintained in the heart. Neither is it only 'One can do all things.' This is true; but Paul had learned it practically. He knew what he could be assured of and reckon on-what ground he stood on. Christ had always been faithful to him, had brought him through so many difficulties and through so many seasons of prosperity, that he had learned to trust in Him, and not in circumstances. And Christ was the same ever.

A Thought to Keep:
Christ gives us the strength to be content in any and every circumstance. This isn't carte blanche power to conquer every problem the world throws our way, but a gentle promise of God's sustaining presence no matter those problems.

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life!

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