Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Rock and Roll!

Life has a way of making us feel like we have to do everything on our own. Our friends and families depend on us; they dump problems on us; and sometimes without knowing it, become burdens. We turn on the news and all we hear and see is negativity. We have been so accustomed to putting on our parenthetic capes and calling ourselves Superman and Wonder Woman and trying to solve all of the world's problems by ourselves, that we began to get weighed down.

It's no wonder our hearts get so heavy. We have to learn to hear problems and/or issues, deal with them, then let them go. When we feel overwhelmed, we need to go to the Rock and roll with Him! God is willing to take all of our burdens if we just relax and give them to Him! Let go of the reigns and enjoy the ride!

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life!

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