Tuesday, April 21, 2015

You're So Childish

Take your mind back to when you were a child. Adorable, innocent, humble and free. You depended on your parents/caregivers to help you and you didn't have a problem asking for what you wanted/needed.
Now let's think about who we are today. We're always on the go. Some of us are super independent. Others walk around stone-faced. The rest of us are too proud to ask for anything. When did we become this person? This person who has it all and doesn't need anything from anybody? Maybe that doesn't quite pertain to you, but are you humble? Are you approachable?
It's wonderful to pat ourselves on the back and receive praise for our accomplishments! But let's not forget who helped us. We have to let down our guards every now and then and just smile. Offer a word of encouragement to people who may need it. Ask for help when you need it. Be real...be child-like, in a mature way.
Matthew 18:3, "And he said: 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.'" This scripture is not telling us to just run around and disregard our responsibilities, but it is encouraging us to be humble and go to God the way a child would go to his parents.
Change Your Mind, Change Your Life!
Lisa B.

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