Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Joy Comes in the Mourning

Yesterday at work I did something I'd never done before. I got up and walked out of a "mandatory" meeting. Feeling the urge to walk out is nothing  new, but it's for reasons far different from my reason yesterday.

I was working, minding my business, when I found out there had been a(nother) innocent person killed by the police. My freshly repaired heart had been shattered again. My stomach began flipping and my mind began racing. "Lord, am I hearing an old story?" I wondered if new information was being released about a news story that had already been covered. That was not the case.
Moments later, I heard my colleagues yelling, "Meeting...meeting. Everybody in the conference room." "Wait, I can't go in there; I'm in mourning..." I thought to myself. I reluctantly went and couldn't focus. So instead of breaking into tears and wailing for brother-stranger, I left. Without going into too many details, my supervisors were not happy.

I went outside and began to walk and pray. I heard, Weeping may endure for a night BUT JOY...

Joy came through my mourning (yes, I know it's "joy comes in the morning").
No, I'm not happy, but I do remember that the joy of the Lord is my strength. I said all of that to encourage you to keep joy. Joy doesn't necessarily mean we're happy; it means we're triumphant and that we're still winning. We still have strength even in our weakness, mourning, pain and darkness.
I needed that moment to change my thoughts into those that would bring me back to a place of strength. I love you all and please pray with me for (all) the victim's families.

 Change Your Mind, Change Your Life 

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