Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The MINDfield

Most of our personal battles begin in our mind. Just as in maneuvering through an actual minefield, we must use extreme caution when navigating through our thoughts. If we're not careful, one seemingly simple thought can blow up right in our faces.
How many times have we created issues by letting our imaginations run wild?
There's a difference in giving our creativity free reign and entertaining potentially hazardous thoughts. We start, have and win arguments with people who don't even know we're upset with them, all in our minds. We over think problems that are out of our control and super-size thoughts that are intended to cause more action and less processing.

It's been said that, an idle mind is the devil's workshop or playground. It's a lot easier to get ourselves in "trouble" when we don't control our thoughts.  Although it is important to keep our minds occupied  (even through prayer and meditation), we must be careful to not let our thoughts control us.

Psalm 13:2 says, "How long must I wrestle with my thoughts...?" I believe if we spend more time in prayer and preparation, the battle in the mind-field won't seem so daunting. We'll be more aware of what kind of thoughts we're having and become better equipped to deal with them.

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

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