Monday, September 16, 2013

Changing Seasons + Growing Children = o_O

Am I the only mom that gets a little overwhelmed when it comes time to change your kid's wardrobe from shorts to slacks...sundresses to sweaters...swimsuits to snowsuits? Well, I found some nice tips that can help us change the way we look at the task. Hope this helps!

Stretching Your Kids Wardrobe This Season
Invest the Time
Invest the time to go through each child’s existing wardrobe. If the idea of this task is stressful for you and your children, consider breaking it down into smaller, manageable parts. If you split the process up, spend 15-30 minutes per day going through a particular section—jeans one day and tops the next.

Avoid Guessing
Avoid guessing whether an item fits or not. If it’s been several months since your child has worn an article of clothing, take the time to physically get them to TRY EACH ITEM ON.

Working From Oldest to Youngest
If you have children of the same gender, consider WORKING THROUGH THEIR WARDROBES FROM OLDEST TO YOUNGEST. After you’ve completed the oldest child’s wardrobe review, add potential items to the younger child’s wardrobe for them to try on. Younger siblings can find themselves with a brand new (to them) wardrobe. Minimizing the requirements for any one child’s wardrobe can result in a significant savings in time and money.

Be Selective
Only keep items your child and you feel confident he or she will wear. If your child appears uncomfortable wearing a particular item, ask if he or she feels they will wear it or not. If the answer is a resounding no, or their body language relays the same message, seriously consider removing that item from his or her wardrobe.This will not only save you heartache, but save your well-earned money as well.

Sell or Donate
Sell or donate items of clothing that can’t be used by immediate family members, relatives or friends. You may wish to occasionally keep an item of clothing as a keepsake, but for the most part, clothing serves its purpose when it is being worn and used. It will make room for current clothing and reduce clutter and stress.

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life!

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