Friday, September 6, 2013

...Relationships...Sometimes You Gotta Lose

Matthew 10:30 (NLT) "If you cling to your life you will lose it, but if you give up your life for me you will find it."

Nobody wants to lose; especially when it comes to losing a person we had a relationship with. But when our hands are wrapped so tightly around people, how can God give us more or something better? We cling to the convenience of that person, we take more than we should from them and we hold onto their toxic behavior, all while making excuses for why we put up them and their issues. Sometimes we have to lose or give relationships up voluntarily so we can get the true reward. We have to get the losses out of the way so we can change the way we approach relationships. What may feel like or look like a loss is actually just the time of preparation. It's helping us to become stronger and more aware of what we really want and deserve.

Clinging to the "bad" relationships will, indeed, cause you to lose. What are you willing to lose for the sake of making someone else look or feel good about themselves? Your self-esteem? Dignity? Family? Job? Sleep? Sanity? YOURSELF...? It's not worth it. Let it go, so you can receive what it is that God's really trying to give you.

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life!

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