Monday, September 9, 2013

...Dreams...Tree of Life

Proverbs 13:12 - Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.

When we were younger, we had all kinds of dreams; dreams to be an astronaut, a doctor, an actor, a model, a pirate, a know, dreams. Most of us weren't sure how to work towards those dreams, we probably figured that they would just happen. Well now that we're adults, we should still have dreams. Probably not the same ones, but dreams nonetheless. The biggest difference is that now we know and understand that making those dreams a reality doesn't just happen. We have to work towards those things that we desire.

Yes, we may fail the first time; we might even fail the fifteenth time, but we can't count it as a failure if we keep pressing towards the goal. As the scripture says, hope deferred  does make our hearts sick. When we put our all into a thing and it doesn't work out, we may become sad or discouraged, but that only means we're passionate about it and that we really want to succeed in that area. So what do we do? We live the dream. We talk as if it's already being fulfilled; we walk like we've made it there; we speak life into it; we breathe the dream. We give God the glory, for He is the tree of life and He will help us make our dreams a reality!

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life!

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