Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Isaiah 26:3

Where is your mind? Is it on your job? Your spouse? The loss of a loved one? Your problems? Your children? Yourself? Dinner? Vacation...

It's no wonder you're stressed and all over the place! The Word of God says that He'll keep you in perfect peace when your mind is on God, not everything else. Keep the Lord first and let everything else fall into place. I know you have responsibilities that require your attention, but it's imperative that you change the way you prioritize your thoughts. Yes, I said prioritize your thoughts! Make a conscience effort to include and put God first in your decisions, situations and even your daily routines.

You'd be surprised at how clear your mind and life become by simply changing the order of your thoughts. And while we're at it, let's work harder at changing the negatives (I can't...I don't feel like...I'll never be able to...) into positives (I can...I'm going to press my way...I can do all things through Christ...).

We can change our minds together! I Love You! 

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life!

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