Friday, August 16, 2013

What Makes You Sick?

Since Wednesday, my youngest daughter and I have been fighting flu-like symptoms; a fever, chills, aches, coughing, runny/stuffy nose, etc. The most irritating symptom is the chills because no matter how much I wrap us, we're still cold. However, this scripture made me feel warmer than all of the layers of clothes we put on and take off every hour. No matter what I physically have on, God has clothed me in salvation and wrapped me in His righteousness.

So when we begin to think of the other things that may make us sick like our jobs, lack of money, our spouse, the kids...anything, we have to take a dose of Christ! The thought of having to deal with that thing or person one more day might literally give you the chills, but as long as you remember that you're wrapped in God you'll feel better in no time. Change the way you think about those things/people that make you sick and get well soon :)

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life!

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